Useful Winrunner Steps
These steps are useful for performing several actions in WinRunner. The actions covered include:
Opening a New Test
Loading a GUI Map File
Creating compiled modules
Using a compiled Module
Starting a WinRunner session
Using the help system to find built-in function
Creating a New Test
1. Click on File->Open
[Note that several tests can exist in the Window.
You can view other loaded tests by clicking Window->'Name of the test'
You can close a test you are viewing by clicking File->Close
2. Verify that the GUI Map file you want to use is loaded by opening the GUI Map Editor and viewing the loaded GUI Map Files
3. If the GUI Map you want is not loaded, load it
[See Loading a GUI Map File]
Loading a GUI Map File
1. Open the GUI map editor by clicking 'Tools->GUI Map Editor'
2. Load the desired GUI Map file by clciking 'File->Open' and choosing the file on the file system
3. Close the 'GUI Map Editor' by clicking 'File->Exit'
Creating compiled modules
1. Open a new test
2. Insert your functions
3. Open the test properties dialog by clicking 'Test->Properties'
4. Set the test type to compiled module
Using a compiled Module
1. use the load function to load the compiled module
2. Invoke functions from the module wherever you need them
3. [Optional] Call the unload function to unload the module
Starting a Winrunner session
1. Launch the application
2. Open the GUI map editor by clicking 'Tools->GUI Map Editor'
3. Clear all existing content by clicking 'File-> Close All'
4. Load the desired GUI Map file by clicking 'File->Open' and choosing the file on the file system
5. Close the 'GUI Map Editor' by clicking 'File->Exit'
Using the help system to find built-in function
1. Load the help system by F1
2. Choose the Content tab
3. Choose 'Function by Category->Standard Function'
4. Select the desired group
Labels: WinRunner
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